Customer Service: When will they ever learn?
July 13, 2022
It was a day when the words of the old song came to mind! The lesson began when I read that, after the 9/11 attack on the twin towers, “The more workers an airline laid off, the longer it took for their customers to return.” (Rick Frazier interview in “Firms of Endearment.”) I was particularly struck by the impact on customers. The effect on profits you might have anticipated, but not the effect on customers.
The lesson was reinforced when I watched the evening news with all the reports on the chaos being caused by cancelled flights. The reports claimed that the root cause of the problem was the difficulty in replacing employees who had been laid off during the Covid pandemic. Many might simply ascribe the situation to the “law of unintended consequences.” I would, however, ascribe it to the failure to properly value employees.
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