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June 2022

Opening the Motherlode of Business Success

What is the key driver of the success of your business? Pause and take some time to think about the answer to that question. When you have done so write down your answer in as few words as possible. Then, and only then, read on.

Motherlode 4

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Mitigating the Cost of Living Crisis

Cost of living crisis 123rf.com_19915582_sEnergy, food, fuel – the costs of all the basic essentials of life are increasing dramatically and rapidly. No wonder there is concern about inflation and widespread talk of a “cost of living crisis.” For all but the highest earners and the wealthy, life is increasingly becoming a question of what to do in order to survive.

This puts pressure on employers. After all, if you want to safeguard your operations, you need to ensure that you have the full attention, capacity and capability of your employees. In such circumstances this is hardly likely. Yet, while the news is full of stories of people who are struggling from payday to payday, there are never any reports of employers who are doing anything about it.  

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